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  • charlotteclementi

The beauty of the untranslatable...

Today I was studying my university course of grammar methodology for foreign people when I realized something really incredible that I wanted to share with you...

According to W. Humbold every language existing in the world correponds to a different vision of the world. Every culture has her own representation of the reality and gives some different boundaries to the objects, "building" an unique system of decryption. That lets understand that whatever language we want to consider, it is a mix of the history and the culture of its speakers. And if we keep this direction, we can easily understand how different are the values and the associations given to the "things" and the "thoughts". Some words of some languages can't be translated in other languages. They have to keep their part of mistery and unknown that make them so special. I think is something very magical and fascinating. Look at this wonderful exemple.

In Romanian "DOR" is a word expriming the particular sentiment felt in front of the huge winter landscapes and causing the isolation, the solitude and the remoteness of the mankind. It came from the "doina", a kind of folkloric music belonging to the Romanian pastoral culture. We find this word in a very common expression: "Mi e dor de tine", literally "of me is the dor of you". It can be translated in English as "I miss you".

Sometimes, I feel so lucky to belong to this world and to be part of the course of the Nature...

And you, do you know some "unstranslatable" words?

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